Project descriptions
Two-photon polymerization (TPP) is a technique to engineer high fidelity 3D structure with resolution down to 100 nm. Based on the interaction of highly localized femtosecond laser radiation with photosensitive material, TPP has become a cost-effective, high resolution, and good 3-D micro/nanoprinting strategy. Using the Nanoscribe Photonics GT system, we launched a project focusing on miniaturizing micro-optics printing at Stanford. The ultimate goal of this study is to produce a cost-effective endoscope engineering for neuroscience applications. As a benchmark of engineering endoscope, this project showcases the microlens fabrication and identify chanllenges and propose corresponding solutions. We demonstrate a the process flow from design, manufacturing, characterizations, post-processing, and functionalities. This project aims to establish a useful and robust workflow for micro-optics fabrication to benefit photonics and micro/nano-fabrication community.